Capability planning supports career development for your people and ensures your workforce is prepared to meet your organisation's business goals now and in the future.
Capability planning may focus on the requirements of a specific job or function, a group of roles, an organisation, or across an entire sector.
How many times have your people had to google parts of their job description, or even their job title, to confirm that it describes what they actually do?
A capability framework identifies what 'good' looks like at every level. It's a useful tool that supports your people's career development, written in the language they use every day in their work. It's not a formal job description or performance management tool full of meaningless or confusing buzzwords.
I've worked with Te Waihanga | New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Z Energy and Hutt City Council to build capability within their organisations and across their entire workforce.
YoYour capability building plan includes:
A discovery workshop to clarify the project scope
3 x engagement workshops and research to identify key capabilities within your industry
A draft capability framework that identifies the key knowledge, skills, behaviours and attributes that will support your people to progress within their industry
A review process that guides you to get feedback from your people about the draft capabilities
2 x review workshops to confirm the final framework
Additional services
Additional stakeholder engagement or review workshops
A self-assessment tool for your people to identify where they are at and what their next steps are
A set of recruitment and interview questions that align with your capability framework
Identify learning experiences and opportunities to support the capability framework at each level
Gap analysis or stocktake of resources you already use that could support your people to progress through the capability framework